博世 可靠性工程师 工资

博世 可靠性工程师 薪酬区间: 15K - 30K,其中100%的岗位拿¥15-30K
博世 可靠性工程师 薪酬区间:15K-30K,最多岗位拿 15-20K,取自近一年 5 个相关岗位,截至 2024-05-17


博世 可靠性工程师 历年工资变化



40% 本科 60% 硕士
博世 可靠性工程师 需要什么学历? 硕士占比最多,占60%,本科占40%


博世 可靠性工程师 工资按学历统计,本科工资¥21.3K,硕士工资¥20.0K。


50% 1-3年 50% 3-5年
博世 可靠性工程师 需要什么经验? 1-3年占50%,3-5年占50%


博世 可靠性工程师 工资按经验统计,1-3年工资¥17.5K,3-5年工资¥21.3K。

博世 可靠性工程师 工作地区:主要分布在苏州,上海

博世 可靠性工程师 在哪些城市有办公地点? 主要分布如下:苏州占40%,想知道其他城市分别占比多少?请点击该模块查看,统计依赖近一年招聘职位,仅供参考。

博世 可靠性工程师 历年需求趋势

博世 可靠性工程师 历年招聘量变化

博世 可靠性工程师 是做什么的

  • 可靠性工程师_PS

    无锡-新吴区 | 1-3年 | 硕士以上
    Roles Responsibilities
    1. Research standards of eAxle reliability related in market.
    2. Plan reliability test feAxle project.
    3. Design quantitative lifetime acceleration tests felements focusing on specific failure modes
    4. Research on the state of the art of reliability related, e.g. damage mechanism of failure mode, reliability test method…
    5. Load profile definition.
    6. Reliability evaluation to forecast failure probability of component/system.
    7. Statistical analysis fthe reliability test data.
    8. Failure analysis during reliability test.
    9. Work with project managers, product development departments, test engineers to complete testing, establish product testing standards, specifications, work instructions.

    Qualifications Requirement
    Educational background (language):
    - Master degree above, majored in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechanics Engineering, Material Engineering, Electrical Engineering.
    - Fluent in English speaking writing.
    Job Relevant Knowledge:
    - Good knowledge on mechanical design of gear, bearing, shaft, bolt, housing.
    - Understanding on damage mechanism: metal fatigue, plastic aging/fatigue, rubber aging, corrosion, wear etc.
    - Basic understanding of automotive electrical components control system, e.g. eMotor, inverter.
    Work Study Experience:
    - Reliability engineer in automotive highly preferred.
    - Experience on reliability design fgear box, vehicle driving axle, etc. highly preferred.
    - Experience in automotive testing area highly preferred.
    - Experience on following tools highly preferred: Weibull++, miniTab, Matlab/simulink, FMEA, ABAQUS, ANSYS, FTA, 8D.


薪酬区间: 2-50K,其中 77.7% 的岗位拿 ¥20-50K/月


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